Project Description
Manufacturers represented/plant or ancilliary equipment your company sells
Soilmec S.p.A:
- Rotary rigs for bored, CFA, displacement, soil mixed, cased augered/secant piles
- Dedicated rotary rigs for CFA piles
- Truck-mounted rotary rigs for bored piles
- Rotary crane attachment for bored piles
- Microdrilling rigs for micropiles, anchors, jet grouting
- Duty cycle cranes for hydromill, grabs (diaphragm wall, lifting
- Bentonite treatment plants
Geax Srl:
- Minipiling rotary rigs for bored, CFA, displacement piles
- Minipiling rotary rig solutions for railway
Mecbo Srl:
- Track-mounted concrete pumps
Lorenzetto Loris Srl:
- Cement and bentonite grout mixers, dosing units, agitators, pumps/injectors
Metax (A division of CIMA S.p.A):
- High pressute triplex motor pumps
Presien (RFP Robotics Pty Ltd):
- AI powered vision safety systems
Services provided to the industry
- After-sales technical and spare parts support